Company Info

Oak Grove School

220 West Lomita Dr
Ojai, CA, United States

Phone: 805-646-8236
Web Site:

Company Profile

2nd Grade Homeroom Teacher


Job ID:



Ojai, CA, United States 




$69,000-$71,000 per year

Job Views:


Zip Code:


Employment Type:

Full time



Job Description:

Oak Grove School, a small pre-K through 12th-grade progressive in Ojai, California, is seeking an experienced second-grade homeroom Teacher. We thrive as a community that builds character and confidence while celebrating the joy of learning. We are dedicated to providing an experiential education characterized by a thoughtful balance of academic rigor and creative expression, one that keeps the student at the center and nurtures the whole child. 

There is a special emphasis on social-emotional development in our school, based on the values of community and empathy. We see children as capable and support them in developing the tools and skills needed to participate in cooperative interactions, resolve conflicts peacefully, stand up for themselves and others, and be active, responsible members of a group.

At Oak Grove, we are committed to fostering in children the sense of well-being and confidence that enables a better understanding of oneself and others.  We offer an inclusive, integrated, caring, and explorative experience that also reflects the philosophical underpinnings of the school as expressed in the Arts of Living & Learning (inquiry, communication, academia, engagement, aesthetics, and care/relationship to self, others, the environment, and the world).

Oak Grove is a joyful and supportive place to work—a rich environment where you will find enthusiastic cooperation, healthy relationships with colleagues, and active professional development.


Job Requirements:


  • BA and/or MA degree 

  • Multi-subject Teaching Credential and/or MA in Education 

  • Minimum of 3 years of teaching experience as a lead teacher in K-2 grades 


  • Familiarity with the philosophy of the school (amongst other things an inquiry-based approach to education in a non-competitive atmosphere), and an understanding of progressive education 

  • Familiarity with growth mindset, emergent learning, integrated and project-based learning, and authentic assessment 

  • Self-motivated, self-disciplined, professional, creative and energetic

  • Strong skills in supporting social-emotional growth, facilitating conflict resolution with students, and being in respectful partnership with parents

  • Highly organized and able to plan and map curricula and articulate student learning outcomes

  • Excellent oral and written communication skills with students, parents, and colleagues

  • Ability to differentiate instruction in the classroom  to a diverse range of learners

  • Active enjoyment of the outdoors, can  plan and coordinate camping trips

  • Ability to work as part of a close-knit team


Oak Grove School does not discriminate against individuals based on race, creed, religion, national origin, cultural heritage, age, gender, marital status, political beliefs, disability, sexual orientation, or family style in its admissions and employment policies and procedures.