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Company Info
Akron Public Schools
10 North Main Street
Akron, OH, United States
Web Site
Company Profile
Teacher Anticipated
Job ID:
Akron, OH, United States
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Employment Type:
Full time
: Classroom Teaching level3, Early Childhood Care & Development, Elementary School, Fitness & Sports Training-Instruction, General-Other: Training-Instruction, Special Education
Job Description:
Position Description:
Assist all students to meet or exceed 21
century knowledge and skills, including state academic achievement standards;
Articulate what students should know and be able to do, while working to help students achieve;
Guide the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals and, in harmony with the goals, establish clear objectives for all lessons, units, projects to communicate these objectives to students;
Plan and deliver learning experiences that advance the learning of each individual student; show written evidence of preparation upon request of immediate supervisor;
Design authentic learning experiences for students to learn core knowledge, 21
century skills and literacies, through, but not limited to, collaboration, problem–based learning and inquiry;
Partner with business and community organizations to create authentic learning experiences;
Organize and plan for learning based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals;
Assist in the planning for intervention and remediation in the areas of math, science and literacy for all students who have not mastered the content standards and implement appropriately;
Develop and implement differentiated instructional strategies for each student’s academic growth;
Use technology to develop student content knowledge and skills so students know how to learn, think critically, solve problems, use information, communicate, innovate, create and collaborate;
Proficient in using technology as an instructional and management tool;
Use continuous, authentic and appropriate assessment and evaluation measures that are evidence-based and use them to improve instruction and student learning and for feedback, including progress reports.
Be flexible, resourceful, innovative and can effective manage the design and execution of learning experiences, both formal and informal Environmental for Learning;
Create a classroom environment that incorporates Partners’ staff members as an ongoing presence and is conducive to learning, fosters engagement, self-motivation, student self-direction and positive social interaction;
Provide learning opportunities that support the intellectual, social, emotional and physical development of the students;
Work closely with students and parents to guide students through school and future education and career choices;Model the teaching expectations that students are to accomplish;
Contribute to and participate in ongoing professional development, including working with colleagues in a Professional Learning Community (PLC) model;
Maintain and improve professional competence;
Use evidence-based and best practices to inform instruction and to work with colleagues;
Work collaboratively to improve instruction and learning while sharing the responsibility for outcomes with school and community;
Use a variety of communication methods and technologies to interact with students, parents and staff;
Maximize opportunities for student success by creating positive working relationships with students;
Maintain accurate, complete and correct records as required by law, district policy and administrative regulations;
Develop reasonable rules of classroom behavior and procedure and maintain order in the classroom in a fair and just manner;
Attend staff meetings and serve on staff committees as required;
Work closely with the building principal to collaboratively lead the school through a shared decision making process;
Use electronic tools for grading, both in New Tech applications and district applications;
Reports to and carries out any other responsibilities as assigned by the building principal.
Job Requirements:
The applicant must have a valid teaching certification/licensure in the state of Ohio.
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