Company Profile

Company Info

Richmond College Prep Schools
1014 Florida Ave., Richmond, CA 94806
Richmond, CA, United States

Phone: 510-631-6213
Web Site:

Company Description:

Richmond College Prep (RCP) is a K-8 charter school serving children in Richmond and the surrounding neighborhoods. Our vision is to close the achievement gap by eliminating education inequalities in Richmond, Coronado, and Santa Fe neighborhoods. Academic excellence, strong moral character, and cultural enrichment are the core values of our school. RCP has ranked the #1 school in Richmond many years in a row.

Jobs by Richmond College Prep Schools
Results: 3 jobs
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Title (show detailed) Up Location Posted
2Nd Grade Teacher Richmond College Prep Schools Richmond, CA 06.17.2022
4th Grade Teacher Richmond College Prep Schools Richmond, CA 06.17.2022
8th Grade Math Teacher Richmond College Prep Schools Richmond, CA 06.17.2022