Browse by state / North Carolina
Results: 24 jobs
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Title (Show Brief) Company Location Posted Down
Adjunct Instructor - Various Science Courses Blueprint Summer Programs Asheville, NC 01.14.2025
Program Instructor Blueprint Signature Summer Programs   Job...
LS/MS School Counselor cannon School Concord, NC 01.26.2024
The School Counselor position is a 11-month, full-time role and reports to the Head of Lower and Middle School. This...
Lower School Maker and Integration Specialist cannon School Concord, NC 01.26.2024
We are currently seeking candidates for a Lower School Maker and Integration Specialist to begin with the 2024-25...
EC Teacher/Coordinator Boys Academy at Candor Candor, NC 04.25.2023
Position Concept EC Certified :  Being responsible for the development of Individual Education...
Middle School Math Teacher Movement Schools Charlotte, NC 03.18.2023
Movement Schools is a rapidly growing network of public charter schools. We exist to love and value students by...
Elementary Teacher K-5 Movement Schools Charlotte, NC 03.18.2023
Each Movement School is part of a larger community investment to help children and families thrive. These broader...
Teacher, Visually Impaired DoDEA Fort Bragg, NC 03.15.2023
Positions are open for the following subject areas:  0471 Teacher, Visually Impaired (K-12). IMPORTANT...
Education Program Administrator (District Superintendent) DoDEA Fort Bragg, NC 11.22.2022
About the Position:  This position will serve as the District Superintendent for the Americas Mid-Atlantic...
Elementary Teacher K-5 Elizabeth City-Pasquotank Public Schools Elizabeth City, NC 11.07.2022
The teacher will plan, organize and present instruction and instructional environments that help students learn...
Science Teacher - Middle School Elizabeth City-Pasquotank Public Schools Elizabeth City, NC 11.07.2022
The teacher will plan, organize and present instruction and instructional environments that help students learn...