Company Profile

Company Info
Paul Robeson Charter School
643 Indiana Ave
Trenton, NJ, United States

Phone: 215-232-9727
Web Site: https://www.paulrobesoncs

Company Description:

Paul Robeson Charter School (PRCS) is a free, lottery-based, open-enrollment charter school serving students from across Trenton in grades 3-8. The mission of Paul Robeson CS is to provide a personalized education that challenges, inspires and prepares students to passionately pursue their dreams & lead a life of active civic engagement. PRCS inspires and equips every student to lead a life of achievement, service and success. Our structured and nurturing community, comprehensive programming and rigorous academic curriculum are designed to build self-motivated citizens, eager learners and strong leaders - regardless of circumstance.

We seek to provide project-based learning and high-quality instruction to help students grow as learners and citizens. We believe in rigorous and culturally relevant curriculum where all students are given an opportunity to reach high academic success. Our teachers engage in extensive planning, strong instructional execution, and common skill-based assessments. Our curriculum engages students in building their academic proficiency and social-emotional skills to be successful.

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